5 Tools to Search Meaningful Domain Names Quickly


Thinking of starting a new website or blog? If yes, then besides finalizing the concept of the website one needs to acquire relevant domain name.

Having a domain name that is In-sync with the concept and content of website is very important. Besides being related, try to find a domain that is short and most importantly easy to remember.

Grab a dot com domain if available, dot net, dot org and further can also be considered. Also avoid mix of numbers, dashes and alphabets in a domain name. Yeah, there are so many things to take care off while checking out domain name for your website. Here are five online tools that will surely make life easy in search for a domain name:

1. DomainsBot For me this is the best option. Even ‘tothepc’ was searched using this web service. Just type the keyword and wait. You don’t even have to hit the search button. For advance option do hit the search button!

2. MakeWordsAnother very handy web service to search for domains. You just need to type keyword in ‘Advanced Keyword Search’ and results will appear at the lower half of the screen. Very easy to use and effective. It also has built-in synonym finder to search for domains with similar words.

3. Dyyo This web service is specific to search of four letter domain names. Four letter domains are one of the most sought after domain names for simple reason of they being just 4 letters. It also provide list of 4 letter domains up for grabs.

4. PickyDomainsIt unites 17 domain namers from United States, Canada, Russia, UK, Australia and New Zealand, all with extensive experience of picking great domain names. You provide them your domain requirement and deposit $50. In case you do not like domain name options at offer, they refund the money.

5. Nameboy It helps you find creative domain names. Enter the primary and secondary words in the desired domain name and you will get the options available. Surely worth a try in your quest to search for an exclusive and relevant domain name.

Hope above tools will help you fasten the process of getting a meningful and relevant domain name. In case you find something unique and launch a website or blog, please do leave your URL in comment below!


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