Convert & Download Mp3 from any Online Video


Video are meant to be seen, but at times Videos are also meant to be heard. VidtoMp3, as the name suggests is a free web service to convert and download mp3 from any online video website.

While there are number of free services to download online videos, VidtoMp3 is exclusively for downloading mp3 from online videos like YouTube, MegaVideo, Dailymotion, Metacafe etc.

How to use? Well, no rocket science involved. Just copy and paste the complete video URL int the Video URL box provided on the website. Then click on download button and you will get mp3 file for the requested online video.

Video sites that are currently supported by VidtoMp3are:

YouTube, MegaVideo, Dailymotion, Metacafe, Veoh, Myspace, Break, iFilm, Google Video, Bolt, ClipJunkie, ClipShack, CollegeHumor, FunnyJunk, Glumbert, GoFish, Grouper, Hallpass, MilkandCookies, Putfile, SantaBanta, Sharkle, Shoutfile, Vimeo, vSocial, Yikers, ZippyVideos. Checkout VidtoMp3


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