How to embed Comment Form in Blogger Blog?


Blogger blogging platform is getting better and better. With more refined features, Blogger is appealing to wider audience. Much demanded, expected feature of embedded comment form has been live for a while.

While it only involves few clicks to get going with this feature in default blogger template, things are little different – if you are using 3rd party customized Blogger template. Here is the procedure to embed comment form in your Blogger blog for making life easy for your visitors while they comment.

1.Login into your Blogger account using and NOT using

2. Click on ‘settings’ > ‘comments’ and check for options next to ‘Comment Form Placement’. Select the option ‘Embedded below post’.

3.Then click on ‘save settings’ button and check your blog for the embedded comment form.

Still don’t see embedded comment form? This happens when you are using a modified blogger template. To make embedded form appear in modified template we need to check options suggested by Amanda.

Go to settings > Layout > Edit HTML and look for the following code.

<p class=’comment-footer’> <b:if cond=’data:post.allowComments’> <a expr:href=’data:post.addCommentUrl’ expr:onclick=’data:post.addCommentOnclick’><data:postCommentMsg/></a> </b:if> </p>

Replace the above code with the following:

<p class=’comment-footer’> <b:if cond=’data:post.embedCommentForm’> <b:include data=’post’ name=’comment-form’/> <b:else/> <b:if cond=’data:post.allowComments’> <a expr:href=’data:post.addCommentUrl’ expr:onclick=’data:post.addCommentOnclick’><data:postCommentMsg/></a> </b:if> </b:if> </p>


If above method does not work, check out the second method. Look for this code:

<b:include data=’post’ name=’comments’ />

Found? Add the following line after the above line and see the comment form in action!

<b:include data=’post’ name=’comment-form’/>

Either of above 3 methods should do the trick of adding embedded comment form in your Blogger blog. However, if it does not work – try out default Blogger template and perform above steps!



  1. coffeecaramel35 says

    this code showed up four times on my blog.. what should i choose?

  2. coffeecaramel35 says

    hi.. its not working for me.. i am using the awesome inc template.. :(

  3. default templates provided by blogger. it’s those templates that i got from In this case, how can i embed a comment form for my blog posts?

  4. Hi there! nothing happen to me here.

  5. ..yeah! it work!

  6. One of the main feature of using third party comment system is Reply option to comments which blogger lack.
    I recently saw this tutorial on [ ] How to add reply option to blogger comments and thought to share with you

  7. none of these work for me! i want a embedded comment box and its driving me nuts :(

  8. Celestine says

    HEY! i’ve got a modified template, not those modified from the default templates provided by blogger. it’s those templates that i got from In this case, how can i embed a comment form for my blog posts?


  9. Hi there! nothing happen to me here. kindly check your code again

  10. There’s a problem with the second line code. Instead of

    it must be

  11. I try this so many times, but still can’t. Now, i’m getting fed up..

    Anyone can help me??

    Frankie John

  12. Hi,

    Can you explain, how you add the “Reply” option after each comments?

    I just want to know, all my comments reply should be next to the comments on my name.

    Could help?


  13. nice tips for blogger :)
    thx for da tips :)

    do visit my blog and comment :)

  14. It works for me… How do we change the background color?

    Thanks for this tuts “Great Job”


  15. Does not work for me , either method. The form does not show

  16. I can imagine that there are very useful tips to restore the comments utility. However, my blog still have the COMMET section, but it does not work. Please, take a look at http://EU-NOSSO-SER.BLOGSPOT.COM
    I mean, it worked before I change the template.
    Hope you help me please.

  17. anyways I have sought it out. The problem was due to deselecting the box that says comments in post page options

  18. @Davinder

    If that had solved the problem then I wouldn’t have posted my comment here. The real problem is even after uploading the template which I have saved before installing intensedebate, the comments section is not showing up

  19. None of the above worked on my blog to restore the comments section.
    The problem started when I have uninstalled IntenseDebate comment widget.
    Now I blog have no comments section. So please help me soon to restore it.

    • Davinder says

      Intense Debate modify Blogger template and remove default Blogger comment code. After the remove you need to add the code, finding which isnt easy. So, it is recommended to upload copy of Blogger template before it was modified to add intense debate.

  20. Hi,
    My comment form embeds fine but it does not function- as in the comments do not post.
    Anyone having or had this problem?

    • @Vivian This could be issue with customized Blogger template in use now. Try checking for the issue using any default blogger template.

  21. very good wonderful information here thanks alot
    very useful and helpful to me i will be back again
    thanks !

  22. nomafreerne says

    Site really resource

  23. Привет, я думала что это совсем не так происходит:)

    Мой блог:

  24. i tried this hack, it’s working fine but i am unable to retain all my older comments… please help!

  25. Thanks For This

    Great Help

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