Improve Facetime video call quality on iPad


Newer iPad 2 has two cameras and hence allow facetime calls. With a tap you can make video calls from your iPad 2 to someone else’s iPad 2, iPhone 4, new iPod touch or Mac over Wi-Fi connection. You can conduct facetime calls in good quality provided both communicating parties are using high speed internet connection. You can also keep in mind following tips for improved video quality of Facetime calls on your Apple iPad 2 device.

Tips for better quality Facetime video calls on iPad 2

1. For grainy display – Image or video display will appear grainy when there is lack of light in the room. You can adjust lightening (possibly increase it) for better quality and less grainy display.

2. For slow / jerky display – This may happen when either of communicating party has inconsistent (and slow) internet connection. Switch to higher speed internet connection for smooth and better quality Facetime video calls.

3. Display not fitting screen – If you hold ipad in landscape mode, display image will not fill the whole screen. You can ask your friend to rotate the ipad, so that both of you can perform Facetime call in same display orientation for better fit to the screen.

Also, make sure you hold ipad device in consistent (same) position or better if you place it on a stable surface like table while making Facetime video calls. It should result in better and smoother video call experience. Incase you do not want Facetime calling, you can temporarily disable Facetime on iPad device and enable it back anytime.



  1. thank a lot. if i have a ipad 2, I’ll try it :)

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