How to see song lyrics in iTunes, Media Player & Winamp


Ever wanted to automatically see lyrics of the song you are listening to? Viewing lyrics during song listening makes whole routine more interactive as you attempt to sing along with original song. You can easily see lyrics while listening to songs in your favorite music player program. This is possible using free Lyrics plugin software.

Download Lyrics plugin for iTunes, Media Player, Winamp

Lyrics Plugin is a piece of software tailored for music fans. It comes as an add-on for Winamp player, Windows Media player and itunes. Once you install this add-on program, you can view lyrics of a song within your music player.

No need to search for lyrics now, this add-on will do the job for you. In case it does not find lyrics for the song your are playing, then you can add your own. Very cool add-on to add that extra zing to listening songs.

This plugin is only available for iTunes, Winamp and Windows Media Player.This can surely keep you busy with music ON, as you try to know words/lyrics in the song. Surely a worth try!


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