Earth Day 2008, the eco-Green web for a day


April 22 is observed as Earth Day– one day to resolve and remember our green duties for our planet. Well, nothing philosophical – we all can contribute in our little way for our planet. It can start from small acts like switching off computer at night to use of eco-friendly products.

Web world is all green to observe Earth Day. Google and AOL logo go green with trees and much more. If you want to get into spirit of Earth day then checkout Free is Good by yahoo!

“…It’s not a charity or a business: It’s an idea that perfectly good used stuff deserves a home other than the landfill.”

“Instead of throwing out things like furniture, dishes, bikes, and electronics, people in a reuse group give these items away for free to other people in their community who can use them”

What is Earth day? “…Earth Day is a time to celebrate gains we have made and create new visions to accelerate environmental progress. Earth Day is a time to unite around new actions. Earth Day and every day is a time to act to protect our planet.”


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