New Screenshots of Windows 7, real or fake?


Screenshots of Windows Vista successor – Windows 7 are out again! Back in Dec 2007 we gave you sneak peek into possible Windows 7 look. That look resembled more to Mac OS than to any other Windows Operating system. Now new screenshots of Windows 7 have appeared on a Chinese blog.

These looks more like Windows Vista. Are these screenshots legitimate? Not many have answer to this question. Hope it is not a photoshop(ed) work of any publicity monger. While the stuff is out, we need to check it once. Here are New Screenshots of possible Windows 7, which is expected to be out in 2009. Click to enlarge:

Real or fake, ummm… These screenshot appeared on ThinkNext, via tecfre. This looks very similar to Windows Vista and since Windows 7 is suppose to be successor of Windows Vista, looks does justify the name, what say?



  1. Anonymous says

    Uhh why would anyone even bother thinking these could possibly be “Windows 7” screens? >_>

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