Share location on Facebook with ‘places’ feature


‘Places’ is a geolocation feature on Facebook that allows you to share your current location or place with Facebook friends. As of now, this is only available to users in the United States with mobile access (to Facebook app for iPhone or It will be available to more users in future in a phased manner. In real time you can share places you visit and you may discover yourself and a Facebook friend at same place at specific time.

‘Places’ on mobile to share location on Facebook

1. Point your browser on mobile to Alternatively, you can go to places feature using Facebook application for iPhone (available at

2. Once you goto to ‘Places’ tab or feature, tap the ‘check in’ button.

3. This will show list of places near you. Choose the place that matches where you are. Also, if specific places is not on the list, you can search for it or add it.

4. After checking in, your check-in will create a story in your friends’ News Feeds and show up in the Recent Activity section on the page for that place. [Image : Facebook Blog]



  1. Thanks for the tip! I think it’s a pretty useful feature.

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