08 08 08, Interesting Fuss or just another Day ?


Today is 08-08-08, yeah check your calendar. This date looks cool and comes once in an year. So, does it hold any important meaning or relevance?

As per famous astrologer (Bejan Daruwalla), in India No 8 is considered unlucky. However, in China it is considered very lucky. No wonder, Olympics kick off on 80-08-08 (Aug 08, 2008).

Such similar number date will appear once in a year till 2012 (12 – 12 – 12). Then we will have to wait for year 2022 for (22 – 2 – 22). Number 8 is considered to have both positive and negative energies.

Some experts believe it does not have any numerological, scientific or philosophical meaning. What a fussy mess? It seems no one knows or want to give any special meaning to this number.

While Chinese have give it a meaning by kicking off Olympics on this day. You can try luck with number 08 – 08 – 08 by doing something special – propose someone – go on a date – buy a techno gadget and so on, what say?


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