Auto Follow Twitter users based on specific search keyword


[For Advance users] Do you want to auto-follow Twitter users mentioning specific search term or keyword? If yes, then grab “twitter-autofollow” php script. It allows you to configure specific search terms or keywords and allow your Twitter account to follow Twitter users with tweets containing those keywords.


Related – Track any Keyword across internet on the fly

As seen in screenshot above, enter your Twitter username and password. Also mention search keywords (like soccer in screenshot) to set auto follow Twitter users rule. Download Twitter Auto-follow PHP script [via] to automatically follow Twitter users tweeting specific words of your interest. One cool way to get into loop Twitter users mentioning your blog, website or product name, what say?



  1. Recently, I found a good twitter auto follow service which make the followers increased fast, that is, it’s very convenient to get lots of followers.

  2. For Twitter automation i’ve got to say Twimbo from was one of the easiest to set up and one of the more intelligent bots.

    It only took a few minutes to set up and it’s currently priced low for early adopters. My traffic has doubled since using it and I now have a great following on Twitter. I’ve even had new paying customers as a result! Winner.

  3. And where do I put this code?

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