Disable Google Analytics script & prevent data tracking


Google Analytics (google.com/analytics) is a popular service from Google to tracking visitor activity on a website. Number of blogs and websites use Google Analytics code to capture and record details of users visiting websites. Till now, end user surfing websites that contain Google Analytics code to capture their activity had no means to disable transfer of such information.

Install Google Analytics Opt out browser Addon

Now you can enforce strict privacy and prevent Google Analytics to capture your details while surfing web content using Google Analytics tracking service by installing a browser addon.

“Google Analytics Opt out” plugin is available for Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome browsers that disables Google Analytics user tracking when user access websites using Google Analytics tracking Javascript (ga.js).

For sure one neat and easy way to prevent sharing of details with online content that use Google Analytics tracking service. Average users may not want to get into hassle of installing browser addon to prevent sharing of details like IP address, location, operating system and so on. However, now we do have option to disable such data collection through Google Analytics – make informed decision.



  1. I think this is a good thing as i get really annoyed with this browser obsession of taking my nationality from my IP address. My browser settings are all in english i speak english i am english so why oh why when i open a web page does it still come up in the language of my IP address I think it should be taken from the language settings in the browser SOD the advertisers.

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