Gmail says Sorry for Going down, Chill Out !


Gmail went down for few hours and there was big roar on the internet from message boards to Twitter – What has happened? When will Gmail will be restored? Well, its was restored after few hours and Gmail team has made exception by saying SORRY!

Here goes “… We heard loud and clear today how much people care about their Gmail accounts. We followed all the emails to our support team and user group, we fielded phone calls from Google Apps customers and friends, and we saw the many Twitter posts.”

“… We’ve identified the source of this issue and fixed it. In addition, as with all issues that affect Gmail and our other services, we’re conducting a full review of what went wrong and moving quickly to update our internal systems and procedures accordingly. Again, we’re sorry.”

Few hours outage was blown out of proportion. Looks like some people love Gmail a lot and do not want to miss it – at all. Even Gmail can go down and best part – Google has guts to say sorry and correct their mistake. That’s cool!


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