Backup Yahoo, Gmail to view offline with StashMyMail


We have already seen Gmail Backup for backup and archive of Gmail account on the fly. What about Yahoo Mail, AOL and other email providers? StashMyMail is a new free web services that allows you to download and backup emails for offline viewing.

It supports number of top email service providers including Gmail. It makes ‘easy to download’ and ‘easy to view’ archive of contents of your inbox. Besides backup of your email account, it allows easy offline access. It can used in cases like:

  • Want to quickly download all your attachments.
  • Your email account is getting full.
  • You are closing an account.
  • Access Email account contents offline.

It creates mirror copy of your online email account. It also provide option to include or exclude emails with attachments. To get started, select your email provider among Yahoo, Gmail & other – enter your email ID and password and follow onscreen instructions.

Stashmymail is currently a free service for email account backup. Use discretion, as you need to provide password for your email account. Refrain from testing on email account with sensitive information. Service looks great – test drive & spread your feedback. [or check MailStore Home].



  1. read this one I review some email client programs to consider. Sorry for my bad english ;)

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