Modify sitemap to let Google index website images


Sitemap provide an easy way to update search engines with latest content on your website or blog. Now you can use same sitemap to inform Google about images displayed in different articles on your website. For this, you need to modify your existing sitemap file to facilitate easy and quicker indexing of website images.

Change sitemap for image indexing by Google

To get started, you can createnew sitemap or update existing using host of tools for creating sitemaps. For each URL in the Sitemap, you need to add additional information about important images on that page. For example, following show entry for URL, which contains two images.

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<urlset xmlns=”″

Checkout more details for making changes for including image information in the sitemap. WordPress users may look forward to this feature addition in the next update of sitemap plugin in use (hopefully).


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