Receive Instant Orkut Scrap Updates with Orkut Feeds


RSS is an excellent way to absorb lot of information with least amount of time and effort. Now you can get orkut scrap notification instantly using RSS feed generated with Orkut Feeds.

You just need to enter your Orkut ID and ‘Orkut Feeds’ web app will convert Orkut Scraps into a RSS feed. You can use that RSS feed in different forms to receive latest updates, like:

  • You can subscribe to that RSS feed using Google Reader.
  • You can receive RSS updates using free software like Feed Demon

Best part, this service does not require your Orkut login username and password. It only requires your Orkut User ID.

Details: OrkutFeedsviaOrkutFeeds Blog 

However, this service wont work if your scrapbook is locked. One simple and easy way to receive Orkut scrap notification as they happen, what say?


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