Track latest Holidays & sport events in Google Calendar


Tracking holidays and your favorite sporting events has become real easy for Google Calendar users. Now you can add specific holiday calendar to your Google Calendar account and keep track of upcoming holidays or any holiday date throughout the year. You can also keep track of upcoming sporting events of your favorite sport like Soccer, Rugby, Baseball by adding specific sport calendar.

Steps to add holiday & sports calendars

1. Goto Google Calendar & login into your account.
2. Under “Other Calendars”, click “add” button and then click “browse interesting calendars”.


3. Click tabs to see Holiday and sports calendars. Click on more tab to see other type of calendars like birthday of friends as in your Google contacts, phases of moon, star dates.


This for sure is nice feature addition for staying updated with upcoming holidays and sporting events. Even for users who may not use Google Calendar for scheduling purpose can refer back to Google Calendar once a while to see respective holidays and sporting events, what say?


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