There are number of rich-lists floating around with similar faces. Ever wondered where would you sit on one of those Rich lists?
Global Rich List can tell your current position in Global Rich List. Procedure is simple, just enter your annual income and hit ‘Show me the money!’ button. Following image show the result if your annual income is $12,000
- You are the 773,071,647richest person in the world.
- You’re in the TOP 12.88% richest people in the world.
How do they calculate it? The Global Rich List calculations are based on figures from the World Bank Development Research Group. To calculate the most accurate position for each individual they assume that the world’s total population is 6 billion and the average worldwide annual income is $5,000
You can also embed your richlist box on your blog or website. Check your position on Global Rich List and flaunt it as they case may be. Another way for some fun on the net!