Get Pagerank change alerts of multiple URLs in Email


We have already seen ways to get alerts for stories related to any keyword or alerts for new Youtube videos of your interest. Here is similar web service ‘PageRankAlert’ for receiving alerts of pagerank changes of any website or URL. It is a simple and free web service that send alerts via email.

After you create a free account, add URLs of websites whose pagerank you want to track. Add one URL per line with max limit of 100 URLs. You will receive email alert as and when pagerank value of any URL being tracked changes. PageRankAlert is very useful for webmaster and bloggers.

What is pagerank? It is value from 0 -10 assigned to a website based on its usefulness, quality of content, referring links etc by Google. More here



  1. Thnks, I am getting alerts of my stes PR.

  2. Google is a good company…. but PageRank is a shameless scam and ploy that allow “control freak” geeks like Matt Cuts tosneak in your PC, slow down your PC enormously and then ruin the livelihoods of websites they do not agree with while flagreantly letting other spam websites get away with murder. This whole PageRank thing is useless.

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