How to transfer photos from Picasa to Flickr & so on?


There are number of cool photo storage and sharing services like Flickr, Picasa Web, SmugMug, Zoomr and many more. Traffering photos from one photo service to another can be a big task if you have loads of images to handle.

Ideally, one would download photos on local computer and upload them again to different photo service. This will take lot of time, effort and patience. You can make this process a breeze using a free utility ‘Migrator’.

Once installed, you can use this utility to transfer images among different photo services. Besides photos, it also support transfer of metadata like: titles, tags, descriptions and album structure. It supports: 23HQ, Aol Pictures (Import Only – now closing),, Flickr, Menalto Gallery (Self-Hosted), Picasa Web, Phanfare, SmugMug, Zenfolio and Zooomr.

Once utility is installed, you will see screen with tabs indicating six steps. First Step involve selection of photo service to import photos from. Step 2 asks for login details of selected photo service. Step 3 starts the import process.

Step 4 and 5 is for selection of destination photo service and last step no. 6 starts the export process to upload images to destination photo service. This software is very good & handy in transferring images among different photo services. It may take time, if you have lot of photos. Download Migratr

Related – How to backup Flickr Photos on your computer or CD?



  1. very useful

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