Search any kind of Mp3, video & files using FilesTube


If you love to download different types of files like video, mp3 etc then you will love ‘FilesTube’. This search service does some good hard work in getting files dumped deep in various media hosting websites like FileFront, Rapidshare etc.

Website has very clean interface with logo resembling to ‘Youtube’. You just need to enter search term and then select media type (select ‘all’ if not sure), then simply hit the search button. Media type options available are: avi, mpeg, mp3, rar, wma, mpg, wmv and zip format.

It has has in-built Mp3 player that let you preview and play a song before downloading it. It seems site aims to combine features of mp3, video search engines with some really impressive results. Other features include:

  • Search any kind of media using media type options/filters.
  • Interface is clean and un-obstructive (no popups!).
  • View 10 Last searches, incase lost on what to search.
  • Register to track download history & Music playlist.

FilesTube: WebsiteLast 10 SearchesTop Search Tags 

In case you want to know what other has been searching through out, simple click on tags option on the website. It shows popular searches in 24 hours and all time favorite.

In case you only want to search for mp3 online, then check out 5 Tools to Search for Favorite Mp3 songs Online. For video file search check out, find files on Megaupload & Rapidshare with Ease. Happy searching!


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