Schedule your Twitter messages with Future Tweets


Twitter is a nice way to share updates with friends instantaneously. You can little spice to your Twitter experience by scheduling Twitter messages to be delivered at a later time.

FutureTweet is a free web service that allows you to send Tweets at a specific time in the future or send a reoccurring Tweet daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. This can be used more for fun reasons than serious ones.

On a serious note, you will never forget the birthdays of your beloved Twitter friends again – just schedule a nice Tweet on their birthday and its all done. Besides this, there can be lot of ‘fun’ uses of this web service:

  • Automatically wish your friend a wonderful day each morning.
  • Remind yourself each friday to quit work and go for friday drinks.
  • Send constant updates to make friends believe ‘you are online’.

‘Serious’ or ‘fun’, you can use Future Tweets the way you want. To get started, create a free account or use Open ID. Another cool Twitter application for an extended Twitter experience – like it?


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