Schedule post on Facebook page for future & past dates

Facebook pages feature is used by number of Facebook users for promoting specific brand, celebrity, website, blog or online journal. Till now, you could only post real time updates on Facebook page. Now using new scheduling feature for Facebook pages, you can draft post updates and

Schedule tweet updates from desktop on Tweedeck

Till now we have seen number of online tools like Future Tweetsthat allow scheduling of Twitter updates. Now you can schedule Twitter updates from the desktop using new feature laden Tweetdeck client. In few simple clicks you can add number of scheduled tweets to be sent at different times

Schedule your Twitter messages with Future Tweets

Twitter is a nice way to share updates with friends instantaneously. You can little spice to your Twitter experience by scheduling Twitter messages to be delivered at a later time. FutureTweet is a free web service that allows you to send Tweets at a specific time in the future or send