Unlimited online file storage at LiveDrive, interested?


We have already seen few web services that offer unlimited online file storage. Recently, Windows Skydrive bumped up free storage to 25GB and here comes LiveDrive with unlimited storage. Too good to be true but that is what they are offering in the beta period.

Besides the unlimited storage and superior transfer rates, it promises all package of features to make process of accessing data real easy. There seem to be no mention of maximum file size allowed for upload. You can access all the uploaded stuff using a custom URL like http://username.livedrive.com

It is mobile compatible and allows you to access files using a mobile device. It is also optimized for Apple iphone access. As pointed by TechRadar, Livedrive claims to offer a better service than the likes of giants such as BT, Microsoft and HP, to those users that want to create secure copies of files accessible from any device online. Test drive LiveDrive and see if its LIVEly enough?


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