Is Microsoft dot .NET framework installed on my computer?

Microsoft (dot) .NET framework is required to run different application software based on this framework. Different applications will need different minimum version of .NET framework to able to install and run on the computer. Hence, it is important to check "... Is Microsoft dot .NET

Chirp Twitter Client, Vista gloss & cool functionality

We have seen number of Twitter Clients from online versions like Gtwit to numerous offline versions including TweetDeck and Twhirl. Here is another one 'Chirp' with cool functionality and Windows Vista Gloss. It has very cool user interface and is specially for your Windows Vista

What is the version of .Net framework on computer?

.Net framework is required for number of applications. For different applications, different version of .Net framework is required. If a specific application needs version 3.0 and not version 2.0 - how can you check for the existing version of .Net framework installed on the