View CPU core count & L1, L2, L3 cache information

CPU (Central Processing Unit) is a the heart of computer. Do you want to view technical specifications of CPU of your computer? Such detailed CPU information is very important for developers in understanding and developing applications as per CPU specifications. CPU Identify is a portable

Check & display CPU usage real time on desktop

CPU usage is very important aspect of any computer. More CPU usage means slower and less responsive system. PerfWatch is a cool utility that display real time CPU usage on the desktop screen. It sits on the system tray, a click on the icon pops up window with finer details of CPU

Measure & check CPU speed of AMD / Intel processor

Ever wanted to check accurate CPU speed of central processing unit on the computer? CPU Speed is a handy utility that measures and display accurate real CPU speed for Intel and AMD processing units. To get started, just download, double click to launch the utility and then click the "test

How to check CPU frequency accurately?

Is you computer getting really slow? Do you want to check the CPU frequency to get started with diagnose and correction process? CpuFrequnz is small utility that shows accurate CPU frequency on your computer. Related - 3 Cool ways to Measure CPU / Computer temperature This utility