Download 5000 audio tracks at Free Music Archive

Most of us download loads of music tracks on the internet. We often bump and download music from illegal websites (because legal ones cost, right!). Well, if you are into vintage and genre based music - then head over to Free Music Archive website. It has over 5000 music audio tracks ready

Download audio, video, image files from any website

You have stumbled on a webpage with very attractive photo but due to CSS protection or other means you are unable to download that photo. Similarly, you went to a video website and looking for ways to download that video you just watched. File2HD is a dead simple web service to download

Listen & Download Sounds from Outer Alien World

Tired of listening to usual sounds? Well, get a sound makeover by listening to some sounds from Outer World. Yeah, you get to listen to sound of Aliens while on earth at AlienSonic. Sounds are really interesting and spooky.