Show & hide Labels in Gmail inbox

Labels provide quick and easy way to organize Gmail email messages based of specific criterion. For example: you can label messages related to your work as 'Job', while email messages from friends can be labelled as 'personal'. You can create multiple Gmail Labels and assign more than one

Create & assign Label to Gmail messages

Labels feature in Gmail provide easy way to organize email messages. You can create multiple labels and add / assign more than one label to specific email message. Further, you can view all email messages with specific label for quick browsing of messages as per requirement. You can get

Gadget to show Tag (label) cloud on Blogger blog

Now you can show neat cloud of labels (tags) on sidebar of your blogger blog without resorting to any 3rd party hacks. Besides showing labels in the form of list, label gadget gets enhancement to show labels in the form of cloud. More popular label appear with bigger font than less popular

How to hide or remove labels next to subject line in Gmail inbox?

If you are using labels and viewing Gmail on low screen resolution computer, it is a constant struggle in trying to read full subject line of email messages in Gmail box. Labels for each messages appear fist and leave little space for email subject line to appear. Well, you can perform

Organize Gmail Labels with drag-drop & hide support

Gmail expanded the concept of Labels to serve as folders a while back. Here comes another improvement bump to "Labels in Gmail". Now you can see and access all labels on the left sidebar of your Gmail inbox. They will display in separate section below drafts links and above chat, search

Gmail folders aka labels, how to use them?

Gmail has always focused on labels rather than folders, while Yahoo Mail always had folders for easy management of emails. Gmail has just added new feature that makes label work more like folders. You can select any email message and place in under specific label (or folder) in gmail. With