PC Shutdown & Restart shortcut icons on desktop

Do you find it boring and time consuming to click start menu to able to shutdown, restart or hibernate computer? You can easily avoid start menu and perform similar routine using quick shortcut icons on Windows desktop. For this you need to create shortcut icons for shutdown, restart and

Computer shutdown & restart shortcut in Windows 7

Do you want an extra ease of shutting down your PC instead of usual routine of clicking on Start and shutdown buttons? You can easily create a desktop shortcut for PC shutdown, restart and logoff. There after, just click the shortcut  button to close or restart computer quickly. Create a

Shutdown, restart PC remotely with Twitter tweet

There are number of application software that allows you to configure computer system to shutdown, restart or logOff after specific period of time. TweetMyPc does similar but with ability to shutdown, restart or logOff computer remotely by sending a tweet on Twitter account. Here is simple