Extract link, script, image URLs on websites in IE

Images, CSS files, scripts, clickable hyperlinks are basic elements of a webpage. Manually checking individual URLs of such elements is a tough routine. Using "URL String Grabber" portable free utility you can easily extract and view URL details of images, CSS files, scripts, RSS feed, swf

Extract data from graph image in tabular form

Graph is very easy way to visualize and understand associated values. However, at time we need need plotted graph's data in number or digits format. This entails extraction of data from plotted graph image in tabular or graphical form (saved to an Excel file for further analysis). You can

Extract mp3 audio from FLV flash video file

Do you want to extract and save audio track of FLV flash video file? FLV2mp3 is a free utility which makes this process real easy, involving few simple clicks. It can extract sound / mp3 audio part of FLV video file with high efficiency. Whole process is very quick and produces good

Open .daa files, convert & extract without PowerISO

.daa (Direct Access Archives) is a file extension of PowerISO application. This is used to archive large ISO disk image files and has feature of compression, splitting into volumes, password protection. Ideally, one would need PowerISO application to work with .daa files. But this software

How to extract multiple archive ZIP Files in one GO?

Archive (zip, rar etc) file is a good way to share collection of files in an easy and simple manner. However, things can get bit boring and time consuming if you have to unzip and open lots of zip files. Ideally, one would open each archive file one by one and see the