Add driving directions on website to find business location

Now website owners can easily help their users find driving directions to their physical location of business using new Google Maps directions gadgets. Instead of listing number of addresses and locations to reach final business location, you can simply embed this gadget on your website or

See Google Blog Search latest on igoogle page

Google Blog Search just had feature bump with new features like hot queries and latest posts. If your day starts with iGoogle page - how about adding "Google Blog Search" gadget to your iGoogle startpage? Using this gadget your can view and browse latest stories from blogsphere, powered by

Celebrity iGoogle homepages, clone your favorite

iGoogle gets a showcase fully loaded with celebrity listing of iGoogle homepages. It has celebrity from different fields of interest and you are bound to find one of your favorite celebrity there. Along with celebrity description, you get option to grab respective iGoogle homepage and

Read RSS feeds on desktop with Google Reader gadget

Google Reader is one of the favorite way to read RSS feeds online without having to install any application on the computer. Now you can take Google Reader out of the web browser to the desktop using Google Reader Gadget. It is a good option to read RSS feeeds on the desktop. Related

Find, open & upload Google Docs from the desktop

We have already seen cool way to access Gmail messages from the desktop via new Google Desktop gadget. Here comes another Google Desktop gadget for your Google Docs. It allows quick access to your Google Docs and help you search, open and upload them on the fly. While at work, you can

Watch Youtube Videos on your desktop

Google has launched new gadget for Google Desktop users. For starters, Google desktop is a download-able free software from Google to access and interface with various Google services from your desktop. Youtube Gadget for Google desktop makes Youtube video viewing experience easy and

How to Twitter in Gmail quickly with ease ?

Gmail is becoming a powerhouse to do more than just checking and sending emails. Now you can also Twitter within Gmail without having to jump onto new browser window to access Twitter account. This is possible using Google Gadget 'Twitter Gadget' that be easily added to Gmail. Using

Access Gmail on desktop with new desktop gadget

Gmail team seems to be in over-drive to keep you busy trying out new with Gmail. It recently got all color, design and jazz with Gmail themes. Here is new bump on Gmail accessibility front. You can access Gmail on desktop without opening web browser. This is possible using new Google