Add & remove Subscribe button to Facebook profile

Facebook is working hard on improving privacy features. It has introduced new 'Subscription' feature that allows you to show Subscribe button on your Facebook profile. Other Facebook users can click Subscribe button on your Facebook profile and receive latest Public Only updates from you.

How to approve, reject or remove tags added on Facebook

Tagging feature is very popular among Facebook users where your name can be tagged to specific post, photo or publication on Facebook. With newer Privacy Controls, you can now selectively and manually approve, remove or reject tags related to your Facebook profile on specific post or

Add Facebook Like button to right click menu in Chrome

Do you love to share favorite webpages and online content with friends on Facebook? Facebook Like, Recommend and Share buttons are quick and easy way to do so. For Facebook haters, there is an extension to remove Facebook like button widgets in Google Chrome while browsing internet. On the

Add funny ‘via text’ to Facebook status message

We can use our creative mind to post funny status messages on Facebook profile for your friends to enjoy and laugh. We can take this step further by adding funny "via text" to your Facebook status messages. This requires little technical help for implementation of funny (and custom) via

How to send ‘Like’ emoticon in Facebook chat

Facebook's Like button is a very familiar thing on the internet. Like button resemble thumbs up shaped icon. Now you can use this like icon (button) as smiley emoticon during Facebook chat. So, if you like something your friend just wrote on Facebook chat - you can quickly appreciate it by

Best tips to protect & secure Facebook account

Facebook account is an online identity for majority of users. Hence, it is important to secure your Facebook account. You can easily secure and protect Facebook account from bad elements by following few basic routines. It involves keeping your computer and web browsing habits in good

Facebook account unavailable due to site maintenance

" Facebook Account Unavailable - Your account is temporarily unavailable due to site maintenance. It should be available again within a few hours. We apologize for the inconvenience". Do you get this error message while trying to login into your Facebook account? You may not able to

I am expecting Child, announce on Facebook status update

Becoming parents is most cherish moment of life for any couple. If you are expecting a child, how about announcing it all your friends and family members on Facebook. There is no need to create custom message for pregnancy information, which might get lost of slew of updates on Facebook

How to setup & get email ID address

Now any Facebook user can get unique email address for sending and receiving messages. It will be your social inbox where focus will be on actual message and sender. There are no usual email elements like subject lines, cc and bcc as found in popular email service providers

Switch back to old style Facebook chat box

New Facebook chat box is now called Messaging sidebar. Besides the name, functionality and user interface has also changed. Unlike old Facebook chat box, the new Facebook chat sidebar box in not a floating box. Instead it is stuck to right side with whole browsing area shifted to left side

Go offline to specific friends on new Facebook chat sidebar

All new Facebook chat sidebar (also called messaging sidebar) is causing lot of confusion and helplessness among Facebook users. We have already seen how to hide and remove new Facebook chat sidebar from Facebook account temporarily. If you want to appear offline or unavailable to specific

How to make friend Lists on Facebook

If you have lot of friends on Facebook (like many of us), managing all can be a task. However, you can simplify friends management on Facebook using 'Friend lists' feature. It allows you to organize and group specific friends in different friend lists. Once you create separate lists of