Tip: How to Search PDF Files using Google Search?

Google Search is used by most of us to dig out information we need. However searching PDF files using Google Search can be a time consuming process - First one has to click on weblink on the Google Search page. After you land up on external website via that click, you need to spend more

Chat on GTalk with Real-time Language Translation

Ever wanted to chat with a friend from another country who does not understand your language or you do not understand his/her native language? From now on... this can not be an excuse or PROBLEM for NOT chatting with friends with different language orientation on Google Talk. Google has

Control your Idle status in Gtalk using gAlwaysIdle

Google Talk does not provide built-in functionality to allow you to control your idle status. There are times when you want to use messenger and be online, but without letting others know about this. Seems like impossible in Google talk, now made possible by gAlwaysIdle. As

Microsoft’s Live Search 411 to take on Google’s 411

Microsoft seems to be in over drive to catch up with Google in every application and sevice. Microsoft has now launched its Local Search called 'Live Search 411'. It will compete will 'Google411' Local Search. US residents can use toll-free access from any phone, by dialling

How to wrap text around Google Adsense or an image

I have been experimenting with image and ad placement these days. When I tried to put ad block in a post and tried to warp post content around it... man it did not work. But with little research and Googling around, was able to do so in few minutes. I am sure some of you, want to know how?