How to say ‘I Love You’ in different languages ?

'I Love You', want to say this sweet line to someone with different language understanding? 'HowToSayIn' is handy web tool to translate any punchline into different languages. Of course you can

Get CSS Code for different text formatting, TypeChart

Getting all messed up in coding CSS for perfect text decoration? Well, Typechart is handy place to view different text formatting and grab related CSS code. You can preview and compare web typography

Automatic speech for PowerPoint Show with PowerTalk

We have already seen how to add Youtube Video in PowerPoint show and how to convert PowerPoint show into Flash movie. Here is another cool PowerPoint application. PowerTalk is a free 'Text to Speech' application meant to read out text appearing on Microsoft PowerPoint presentation or

Instant Text To Speech from Vista Sidebar with Say It!

We have already seen loads of web based services for instant 'Text to Speech' conversion. How about same functionality in your Vista Sidebar for even quicker access and conversion? Say It! is a Vista gadget that allows you to perform 'Text to Speech' conversion from Vista Sidebar. Just

Convert Cilpboard Text into plain text via hotkey

There are times we copy text from a webpage and paste contents in Word processor. Text for sure is copied but along with text formatting - which may not be required in most cases. Alternatively, we can first paste text in notepad and then copy - paste text in Word processor. Too much of

Share Loads of text with one URL by TinyPaste

TinyPaste is a handy web service to 'paste' loads of text and share it with a 'tiny' URL. Just paste the text in the window and click on 'submit' button. Then share that text with a unique URL like []. No installation, no registration, no download