Add special character symbols to Twitter tweets

Twitter has simple 140 character restricted communication platform. There are number of ways to extend this 140 character limitation by adding more content than just 140 characters. You can also add more spice to those 140 characters by using special symbols mixed with usual text

Find & compare product price information on Google

Looking for easy way to find price and basic information about a product like mobile phone, LCD etc? Google can help big time providing all the information in least amount of time. With all new Google Product search option under 'shopping' tab within Google Search. Here is quick method to

Capture images from video online & make PDF file

Do you want to take screenshot from a video? And then customize images extracted from the video with custom title and description. Also, make a printable file or generate PDF file containing those customized screenshots. Ideally, you will need heavy loaded software for such image capture

Make digital Business contact card online

Majority of us crave for identity in the online world. If you are a businessman or web entrepreneur, then existence of personal profile is a must have. While there are expensive ways to hire designer to create your online profile listings. You can try smart and free web services to create

How to loop Youtube videos playback

Do you love watching Youtube videos continuously in a loop? Be default, you need to click play button to replay a Youtube video. Using following resources you can continuously loop any Youtube videos without too much hassle. Enjoy Youtube videos in looping format. 1. Use Youtube

Online browser ballot to select web browser

Window users in EU get browser ballot screen to select either of web browser as their default browser to surf internet. Now other users can also access similar browser ballot screen online. Users can view various web browser options, read more about them and download web browser they want

Create own Blogger templates with official designer tool

Over the years we have seen number of 3rd party sources to download and use cool Blogger templates. Finally, Blogger itself is getting into for easy customization of Blogger templates. It has launched official 'Blogger template designer' tool for quick creation of customized Blogger

Visual RSS feed browsing with Google Reader Play

Google Reader ( is a best online tool for browsing and managing RSS feeds online. It has simple and very easy to use interface. Now you can add little spice to RSS feed viewing routine using Google Reader Play feature. It allows more visual 'image thumbnail' per post

Google public data explorer: visual charts & maps

Making sense of large amount of public data related to any human aspect like mortality rate, wages, population is very difficult. Huge volume of data makes interpretation and representation very difficult. Easing out this process is new experimental online tool from Google 'Public Data

How to flip Text upside down, reverse & invert

Are you bored of usual looking text? Add some fancy attribute to plain text by changing its direction. You can flip text upside down or write it in reverse. This can be easily done using free online tools or offline download-able programs. Checkout following listing to flip and reverse for

Convert online flash videos into non-flash Ogg format

Majority of online videos like on Youtube, Dailymotion are in flash video format. Do you want to watch online flash videos without the Flash technology? This can be easily achieved by converting an online flash video into non-flash open source ogg video format. You can watch resultant

How to generate strong WEP key

WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) keys are used to protect wireless connection setup. You can generate WEP keys of different lengths like 64, 128, 152, 256 bits. A strong WEP key is a healthy mix of random numbers and letters. It is always recommended to use long and complex WEP key to secure